
Parents and Students:


The Fillmore Central School District is making preparations and plans in providing instruction and continued learning opportunities for our Students and Staff in response to the COVID-19 crisis in our country.  The reasons for making changes in our daily school routine are:

*To protect those persons who are most vulnerable to the virus

*To slow the spread of the virus as to not overwhelm our medical facilities 

We are planning on having school on Monday, March 16 and continue with school for as long as possible.  This is subject to change at anytime, as the Public Health Department may request our closure as the disease spreads.  Please read and note the following:

*Any students or staff that have been out of country or been in the states of Washington or California or in the city of New York over the spring break; we are asking that you not come to school for 14 days after your date of arrival home.

*Any student or staff member that have symptoms of illness need to stay home.

*Any parent that wishes to keep their students home, may certainly do so.  We do expect that home-bound students stay in contact daily with each teacher and the principal of their building; as lessons and instruction will continue and students will be expected to meet the standards of the class in order to receive credit.

*There will be no activity travel out of our school district other than by regular bus routes and shuttle routes until further notice.  (no field trips, no trips to activity and athletic events, etc.)  We will continue have activity practices after school for the time being.


Should a long-term closure occur, Fillmore Central will continue to provide instruction through a Distance Learning plan that we have assembled.  One item that we will need to know from each home is the availability of a computer/laptop/i-pad and internet connectivity for your student.  You will be receiving a survey ( that needs to be filled out promptly.  If you do not receive a survey by Monday, March 16, please contact the school building your student attends. 

During the time school is closed, we will deliver meals to those students that are home and still desire lunch.  We will outline details for that when the time comes.

We may not have answers currently to everything you have questions about.  We are dealing with a situation that none of us have experienced before.  We are making our decisions based upon the advice and wisdom of Public Health Officials and medical experts.  We will make every effort to meet the educational needs of the students we serve.  We will do our best to protect the health and safety of our students and staff.  We ask everyone to remain flexible and understanding through the next few days, weeks, and possibly months.  

We must stay positive and continue keep things as normal and routine as possible.  Please contact me at 402-759-1100 or at if you need any further information.


Best regards,


Mark Norvell
