April 7, 2020
Fillmore Central Parents/Students:
We are now 14 days into our Distance Learning plan. A large percentage of our students are staying engaged with our staff. We plan on being very understanding on grades, and don’t plan at this time on lowering any grades from the third quarter average. However, you do have ability to increase a grade with a strong performance. You could also receive an incomplete (no credit) if you do not engage with your Classroom Teachers during the time left in the school year. The choice is yours, so take advantage of the opportunity given you.
Please contact your building Principal if you need help with anything, or contact me at the District Office at 402-759-4955 or mark.norvell@fillmorecentral.org. We are here to help you get through this pandemic crisis!
We have been placed under the Public Health Mandated Guidelines until further notice. All of our facilities are closed to students and the public. This would include the Downtown Gym, Playgrounds, etc. We will keep the football field/track open to the public at this time. A limited amount of FC staff are allowed in the buildings each day.
We are working on a plan for Graduation, which at this time is still scheduled for Saturday, May 9th, at 2:00 pm. Mr. Theobald is surveying Senior students this week to get their opinions. We have asked that the Seniors also visit with Parents/Guardians so that they are on the same page. We will keep you aware of any possible change in plans, but at this time, graduation is on May 9th as scheduled. Graduation would be conducted with an alternate plan that meets the Public Health Mandate.
We served 281 lunches yesterday; many thanks to our Kitchen Staff, Paras, and Bus Drivers for making this work. We will continue this service for as long as is possible, keeping in mind that the health of our employees is very important to us.
Our regular Fillmore Central Board meeting is Monday, April 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Media Center. Because of the Public Health Mandate that requires us to limit the amount of attendance, there will be limited public comment. However, if you would e-mail any comments to Board President PJ O’Connor at oconnor4@mainstaycomm.net or to me at mark.norvell@fillmorecentral.org, we will read your comments during the Public Comment session.
As always, call me or e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
Mark Norvell