Dear families,
Calendar change:
We are going to begin Christmas break earlier in December than is listed on the school calendar. Students’ last day will be Friday, December 18th. Students will return on the same day as scheduled on the existing calendar, Tuesday, January 5th.
Our staff has done a remarkable job filling in for one another, carrying extra responsibilities, and following many cleaning and other PPE protocols. We will use December 21st and 22nd for professional development, staff collaboration, time for grading and finishing 1st semester, and planning for 2nd semester. The Nebraska Department of Education is actually allowing schools a certain number of hours to give to staff for more planning time due to COVID this year, so this change won’t add more time or days to your child’s school year.
I don’t know how things will look in our state and community in December, but it won’t hurt for us to have a few extra days apart. I hope that this change doesn’t cause your family an inconvenience. Our staff is working very hard to try and keep kids in school. We know that you are as well and I thank you again for partnering with us to make it work.
We are still planning to have our athletic events that are scheduled Saturday, December 19th and Tuesday, December 22nd. The elementary music concert scheduled for December 21st will be pre-recorded and shown on a date to be determined.
I hope that these extra days on Christmas break will benefit your time as a family.
Josh Cumpston