Fillmore Central FBLA participated in the 2021 Virtual State Leadership Conference April 12-14.  The keynote, workshops, and awards session was held on April 14 and fourteen members attended the conference at the Heartland Bank Conference Center.  During the day, 20-21 State Reporter Wyatt Nun facilitated several sessions, assisted with officer elections, and participated in the installation of the new officer team. 

The chapter brought home 14 individual and team awards led by the seniors of the chapter.  Wyatt Nun placed first in both Future Business Leader and Who’s Who in FBLA, along with placing second in Public Speaking.  Senior Jacob Nichols placed first in Word Processing, third in Computer Applications, 6th in Computer Problem Solving, and 7th in Personal Finance.  Claire Kimbrough placed fifth in Accounting II.  Freshman Alexandra Howell placed third in Introduction to FBLA, and Junior Isaac Janing placed fifth in Entrepreneurship.  

Team placings included Isaac Janing, Claire Kimbrough, and Kali Nedrow second in the American Enterprise Report event, a seventh-place finish for the Broadcast Journalism team of Wyatt Nun, Ty Schelkopf, and Jasper Stutzman, and eighth place to Wyatt Nun and Kali Nedrow for the Chapter Annual Report.  Honorable mention placement went to Emily Bonilla in Introduction to Public Speaking and Ty Schelkopf in Introduction to Business Procedures. 

The chapter had completed many ribbon projects throughout the year and was recognized for completion of the Sweepstakes Award, Connect2Business, Foundation, March of Dimes, Feed Nebraska, Go Green, IGive, Seven Up, and Stepup2Tech projects.  Jill Schmidt was recognized as the chapter’s nominee for Businessperson of the Year, and Katy Nun received the Star Volunteer award.  Adviser Cindy Talley and chaperone Katy Nun sponsored the group for the day. 

Award Winners: Front L-R Jake N, Ty S, Claire K, Kali N, & Alex H. Back L-R: Wyatt N, Jasper S, Isaac J, & Emily B.

Businessperson of the Year: Jill Schmidt with the FBLA officer team.

State FBLA Officer Wyatt Nun paused for a picture between all of his responsibilities.

Students in their Zoom sessions.