Dear Parents and Families,
I wanted to let you know that we are aware of at least one person in each of our buildings that has tested positive for COVID. Many of these possible exposures would have occurred prior to school beginning. Possible exposures occurred at the elementary open house, events prior to school beginning at the high school and the first day of school, and events prior to school beginning at the middle school and the first day of school. I believe that exposure to students would have been minimal, but I want you to know that COVID has been diagnosed in the district. It is important to monitor and to continue screening for symptoms. Masks are optional, but are a good way to protect your child and others at this time, and to help keep us in school and activities. I follow the CDC county data tracker, Fillmore County had been a low transmission county the past week. We are now listed as a high transmission county which is the highest level.
Currently, state guidelines say that individuals who have a close contact should self-monitor for symptoms. Many others, UNMC, CDC and other medical groups, say that these individuals should quarantine. Although masking isn’t as effective as having an individual that has had a high risk exposure or close contact (within 6 feet, for 15 minutes, over a 24 hour period) stay in quarantine, it does help prevent the spread of COVID should that exposed individual become infected.
Please continue to screen your children before sending them to school. It is also important to remember that the symptoms are varied. They may present themselves like symptoms similar to basic colds, flus, etc. Not everyone will show a fever or lose their sense of taste or smell. If in doubt, please have your child stay home.
The following are self-monitoring instructions from Public Health Solutions.
Public Health Solutions Instructions
Symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 or above
Shortness of breath
Extreme fatigue
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
New loss of taste or smell
These symptoms, individually, can also be signs of other illnesses or conditions. If you develop one or more of these symptoms, especially in combination, please contact your healthcare provider for further guidance and stay home.
Public Health Solutions is also a resource if you have questions. Please visit their website at or call 402-826-3880.
Again, there has been a positive in each of our buildings. Masks are a great way to protect your student and others. If someone has had a close contact many medical groups recommend that they quarantine. We will get through this together.
Thank you,
Josh Cumpston