August 31, 2018
Middle School students will begin their fall MAPS testing next week. All students will be tested in the areas of Math, Reading, and Science. 5th and 7th grade students will test...
August 27, 2018
The athletic department is in need of workers for home JV and JH football games. We are in need of an announcer and three individuals to be part of the chain crew. Dates are Septe...
August 24, 2018
The 5th grade band letter had incorrect information: the band meeting is MONDAY, August 27th , not Tuesday . See you at 6:00 in Fairmont!
August 23, 2018
Fillmore Central Schools, along with Exeter-Milligan Schools and Shickley Schools, will have an assembly featuring the band Gooding for students grades 7-12 on Aug. 30th. Gooding ...
August 22, 2018
Fillmore Central FFA was selected by the Nebraska FFA Foundation to earn a $7,000 grant to be used toward building a new greenhouse. If you wish to donate to the greenhouse proje...
August 7, 2018
The August/September Newsletter is ready and is now located on the district website under "Documents". the newsletter has also been emailed to all students who we have email addr...
July 11, 2018
What a special day today was!! We were able to honor one of our own. Multiple Sclerosis shirts were designed and purchased by staff members and students in support of our very o...
July 11, 2018
There is still time to sign up for boys bball camp this summer! June 18,19, & 20. You can pick up a copy in the high school office. Email for a d...
July 11, 2018
FBLA national leadership conference occurred June 27 to July 2 in Baltimore, Maryland. Eight Fillmore Central students, their adviser Cindy Talley, and chaperones Val Poppert an...
April 17, 2018
Mrs. Biba's Food & Nutrition classes got to sample their homemade bread on Friday in class. The 1st & 2nd period students made a whole wheat yeast bread in class o...