The seniors in Cindy Talley’s Applied Communication class have been learning about working collaboratively in groups, writing effective instructions, and conducting primary research during first quarter of the school year. The culminating project involved having five different groups of students work with an elementary classroom teacher to create an educational game complete with written instructions.
On October 30, the students traveled to the elementary classrooms to field test their games firsthand. Classrooms that participated included TYKE, Mrs. Nuns’ and Mrs. Myers’ kindergarten classes, Mrs. Rohr’s first grade classroom, and Mrs. Schelkopf’s second grade classroom. The seniors used their creativity to build skeleton bingo, money counting, Simon Says Know Yours Seasons, and games teaching about spiders. Both the elementary and high school students enjoyed working together. The seniors were able to experience first hand the strengths and weaknesses of their games and instructions.
The Applied Communication students are now analyzing the results of surveys they gave the students along with feedback from the elementary teachers. Classroom instruction is being given on writing informal reports based on primary research. Each student will write an analysis of the project incorporating the feedback they received along with personal observations.