Parent-Teacher Conferences Information
As you are aware Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held at the high school in Geneva on Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 23, from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Parents will be able to pick up their student’s progress reports in the lobby area.
Middle school staff members will be in the gymnasium allowing parents to visit with each teacher as they become available. Miss Fitzgerald will not be in attendance, so I encourage you to reach out to her via email if you have questions or concerns. We ask that conferences be limited to no more than 5-10 minutes. This is requested so that all parents will have the opportunity to visit with their children’s teachers. If you need additional time with a faculty member, please take the opportunity during conferences to schedule another meeting so that all of your needs and concerns can be addressed.
If you have any questions prior to conferences, please contact us at the middle school.