FC 25 AC 19 in set 3.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC 19 AC 25 in set 2.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC 30 AC 28 set 1.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC wins match with a 25- 11 third set win.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC 25 Sutton 18 in set 2.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
In VB action, FC 25 Sutton 12 in 1st set.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
Cross Country Parent's Night will take place prior to the start of the FB game vs. Aurora on 9-28. Parents please be at the north gate by 6:40 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Ryun Theobald
Meet the Panthers on Friday, September 28th!
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Meet the Panthers
FC FFA is really close to reaching our goal to have enough raised to build our greenhouse. #AgEdu #Greenhouse #harvest2018
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
FFA Grain Support
FC FFA Booster Club will be barbecuing Burgers and Brats at the Football game on Friday, September 28th.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
FFA Boster Club
FC wins first set 25-16 over Boone Central.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC playing Boone Central in VB. Lost in 3 sets to Centura.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
A student chose to put together a table in honor of National POW/MIA recognition day. It was to honor the individuals who gave their lives or that are or were missing in action.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Thayer Central has moved the start of today’s Junior High Cross Country meet to 5:00 p.m, weather permitting.
over 6 years ago, Steve Adkisson
FC loses 1-2 to Thayer Central.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC beats Lawrence-Nelson in VB 2-1. All sets very close.#fcpanthers
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC 5 St Paul 3 final score in SB.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
Let’s get it started. Middle School volleyball vs Heartland.
over 6 years ago, Steve Adkisson
Middle School Volleyball.
FC 25 Milford 17 in 2nd set. Win 2-0
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell
FC 25 Milford 14 in set 1.
over 6 years ago, Mark Norvell