Students enjoyed the hamburgers at lunch today! Thanks Beef Boosters!
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Beef Booster Burgers
Beef Booster Burgers
Beef Booster Burgers
KB enjoying their breakfast party for collecting the most Boxtops.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
The elementary students participated in a building evacuation drill today. Students practiced exiting the elementary building, quickly and quietly, to our safe location.
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Evacuation Dril
Evacuation Drill
The elementary students participated in a bus evacuation drill today.
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Bus Evacuation Drill
Bus evacuation drill
Bus evacuation drill
The fourth graders traveled to the fairgrounds for AgVenture Day. During our visit the students learned that agriculture is important to everyone. The students were also able to learn about and pet piglets, a dairy cow, a horse, and dolly lambs. A delicious hamburger lunch was served.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
Ag 1
Ag 2
Ag 3
REMINDER-Picture Day is Today!🙂
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
1st grade loving the new walking tacos on the menu this year!
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Walking tacos
The Meet the Panthers event has been rescheduled.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
Another great opportunity for parents to strengthen their skills. Childcare is provided.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
Class Flier
As the Panthers begin another football season we want to be sure all students are safe while cheering on the Panthers. For this reason, we ask that students stay away from the construction areas at the high school and remain inside the fenced area when attending football games. We encourage students to sit in the stands and cheer for the Panthers.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
Great lunch today! Thank you FC Beef Boosters.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
3rd Grade Lunch
3rd Lunch
4th Grade Lunch
Little Panther Volleyball for Girls Grades 4th-6th will take place on 9/10, 9/17, 9/24. Registration is due 9/4/18. Cost is $25 and includes a t-shirt.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Little Panther Volleyball
Join us on Friday Sept 7th for Meet the Panthers! Fall sports teams will be available to meet the fans in front of the student section on the track. Pictures, Q&A, and FREE fan items.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Meet The Panthers
The school participated in a 'Be Kind' activity last week. Here, a second grade class shows their sticky notes that were shared with other classmates with kind words written on them. #bekind
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
There will be an EPAC (Elementary Parent Advisory Committee) meeting in the elementary library at 7:00pm on Monday, August 27th.
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Throughout this week in reading, the fourth graders have been discussing sequence. Today in their small groups, they worked together to put steps in order. After checking their work, they created their healthy treat-Ants on a Log!
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
4th Graders
Cheer Clinic Registration forms and payment are due at 8:00 AM on Friday August 24th.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Second graders learning to play Splat.
over 6 years ago, Aaron Veleba
Cheer Clinic 2018 is on August 31st. Attached is the registration.
over 6 years ago, Kelsey Vnoucek
Cheer Clinic 2018
Kindergarteners eating lunch on the first day of school.
over 6 years ago, Jacey Wit
Kindergarteners eating lunch on the first day of school.